Biologist, Conservationist, & Portlander. My passion lives in Africa.



Masters of Science in Biology
Human-Environment Systems
Boise State University
Beginning Aug. 2016

Bachelor of Science in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology
North Carolina State University
Graduated: May 2012

International Experience

Save the Elephants, Kenya
Dec. 2013 - March 2014

Study Abroad, Namibia

May – June 2010
Completed 4 credits in Fisheries and Wildlife 465: African Ecology


Clark Lab, San Diego State University

May 2012 – Present

Langerhans Lab, North Carolina State University

January 2011 – May 2012


Roots and Shoots at NCSU

Co-Founder & President

Work Experience

Center for Biological Diversity, Portland, OR

Contract Biologist
June - Present
  • Compiled population data for hundreds of species to update and organize the nation's most comprehensive endangered species database.
  • Authored petitions, action alerts, and comments for member and USFWS review.


Kasese Wildlife Conservation and Awareness Organization

Portland, OR
Promote wildlife education programs in Uganda and beyond by raising awareness of KWCAO’s programs on social media platforms. 

Friends of the Columbia River Gorge

Portland, OR
Helped organize and participated in three coal export public hearings and the "Sound the Alarm" state capitol rally, phone banking, tabling, and business canvasses.

Nature Conservancy 

Portland, Oregon
Assisted employees with office projects such as data entry, mailings, and volunteer program organization.


Most Interesting Graduate, NCSU May 2012 Commencement
HHMI Research Scholars Program Award, $2,000.
Africana Studies Project Scholarship, $1,000.
Faculty Director Scholarship, $1,000.
Study Abroad Office Scholarship, $1,000.